More About Me

Here you can find some more/personal info about me

1. Why do I like SideM and Harushiki so much?Well the SideM anime came out at a time when my own life really started to change. I was in training to become a kindergarten teacher, moved in with my girlfriend just a few months ago, we adopted our first kitties etc and seeing all those characters working so hard towards their goal coming from so many different backgrounds idk that just stuck with me ever since.
As for Harushiki I could write a whole book as to why I ship them so hard and why they are my OTP but I really just fell in love with their whole dynamic. Ha, maybe one day I'll write a whole book about my love for Harushiki :P

2. Why did I decide to write fanfiction?It just idk kinda happened? My first fanfics were so cringy though(dating way back to like 2012) but who am I kidding they still are cringe but I'm so happy about everyone who reads and enjoys them. I always took longer breaks from writing before but ever since writing mainly Harushiki I love it so much although I'm not so good at it.

3. Do I want to marry my girlfriend one day?If possible yes. We both talked about it more than once and we both are liking the idea but it's not a must or something. We are happy anyways, married or not.

4. Why did I become vegetarian?
I've been having this inner conflict with myself for a very long time, this cocgnitive dissonance we all have. Like aren't all animals the same? Why do we keep some as pets but eat others? Plus to only think about what I'm putting in my mouth, a body part, the flesh of a being that once was breathing and alive, like I'm literally eating a disgusts me and the way those animals we call "livestock" are treated most of the time. Like when did we start seeing some animals as mere products and not sentinent living beings? And educating myself about this topic further like watching those videos, see those numbers, read about industrial slaughter and how we are actually brainwashed by the meat industry. I just couldn't square to eat meat with my consience anymore. I also try to eat as little eggs and dairy products as possible(lactose intolerant anyway :P) leaning more and more towards a vegan lifestyle.

5. Do I want to have more cats?Honestly I wish I could have more cats because I literally want to save all the poor stray and abandoned kitties out there and I wish I was super rich to do so. But right now I have all my hands full with caring for four cats and I just don't have the space or the money to adopt more. Honestly if I had billions of dollars I would buy an animal sanctuary and have all the animals like pigs, cows, sheep, dogs, cats, chickens etc bc they all deserve to be loved and live a peaceful, happy life ( and have you ever snuggled a baby pig? Sooo cute * - *

This got longer than expected and I'm sorry but thanks for sticking around